Pregnancy Sessions and Programs

Wild Birth Wisdom offers programs that progressively continue from preconception to pregnancy, to labour and birth, and finally postpartum. As well as the packages offered, private sessions are available for those who want to go deeper.

You are welcome to book a 15-minute explore consult prior to joining a program.

Wild Pregnancy follows evidence that consistent holistic self-care practices started early and lead to better outcomes for mother and baby. They also bring increased self-agency/autonomy.

Program offerings are online lasting 1-hour and are recorded with replays sent out for times when you cannot join us live.


Wild Preconception

The journey toward pregnancy is a potent and conscious time to cleanse and prepare the whole self. This journey explores mental, emotional, and physical limitations before entering pregnancy. This is a great period of preparation prior to pregnancy. There is a lot to discover and consider prior to conception that has been forgotten and overlooked. Here you will find the richness of early knowledge.

This one-on-one online offering is accessible anywhere in the world.

Cost $35 USD/hour


Early Wild Pregnancy

The first trimester can have strong physiological and emotional changes. Finding a pathway of management that brings ease is not always easy, but there are some beneficial practices. This offering is specific to womben/people who want support and practices that can reduce the intensity of early pregnancy changes.

This one-on-one online offering is accessible anywhere in the world.

Cost: $35 USD per hour.


Wild Pregnancy

A six-week program. The deep knowledge and care practices once available to every pregnant womban/person in the villages and communities they lived in have been diminishing over several centuries. In current times antenatal classes focus on labour and birth. Wild Pregnancy does not.

Wild Pregnancy brings connection to your inner wisdom from pre- or early pregnancy to labour, as a mind, body spirit practice. The program is built upon a combination of traditional, ancient and modern ways steeped in best-practice knowledge and research. Its purpose is to ensure empowerment remains with its rightful owner, the pregnant womban/person. Wild Pregnancy understands pregnancy as a rite of passage that requires access to guardians of knowledge sharing whole-body skills that embrace building sovereignty, well-being and inner trust within the pregnant womban/person.

Cost: $200 USD.


Wild Labour & Birth

A six-week program that follows on but is not dependent upon the preparation and empowerment of Wild Pregnancy, and focuses on crossing this powerful threshold. We continue to journey with ancient, traditional and modern knowledge and practices specific to this deep liminal space. This second threshold exists between pregnancy and birth – ending as the baby is birthed and you become a mother/parent.

This program has a beautiful blend of preparational and holistic care practices for mind, body and soul to help you connect fully to your being. Here you meet yourself in an energetic space exclusive to womben in the human experience. I highly recommend your support team [at least one person] attend with you. Empowerment is received with knowledge, and when you both/all carry the knowledge and strategies to support this journey, you are stronger.

Group programs are kept small with respect and intimacy being integral to safety. They work as interactive and meaningful discussions, with tools to take away and uniquely integrate into your self-care practice.

Cost: $200 USD


Wild Matrescence

The 6-week journey offers guidance and practical preparation to support your mental and physical well-being. This is an extraordinarily transitional time through your matrescence, the sacred first 42 days post-birth. Matrescence is the last of the liminal spaces of the birth rite of passage.

Wild Postpartum will introduce you to beautiful restorative practices that replenish, nourish, hold, and support you in your birth recovery and arrival as a newborn mother. This powerful experience is the unity of meeting yourself and meeting and coming to intimately know your baby, an incredible new soul.

You will be introduced to the slow postpartum experience and come to know the significant gains you receive by giving yourself this space and calling in your beloved people to support this precious time.

You will also have practical wisdom and guidance in the physiology and initiation of breastfeeding. Information will deepen your understanding of the process and patience called for during this time.

Integrated into Wild Postpartum is a private one-hour post-birth session for you to access at a time you choose covering anything you need.

Cost: $200 USD.