
get started A Holistic Pregnancy to Parenting Journey. A Holistic Pregnancy to Parenting Journey.

Wild women, Self-determined women, Women who seek and feel the call into the essence of their being, Those who feel the calling to find, or know their birth rite is to live their way, with the autonomy of choice, this is Wild Birth Wisdom. I honor the sacred in the birth rite of passage from preconception/conception to pregnancy, labor & birth, and postpartum.

In this portal, there is community, sharing, conscious participation, and space holding throughout pregnancy to motherhood. The magnificent journey during pregnancy is a gift, a rich opportunity to slow right down and meet ourselves in self-love and care. In this bubble, we meet other women sharing themselves as they connect with the potency of Mother Earth and Sister moon in their cycles and rhythms. This is an inner journey in the gestation of a new mother in metamorphosis. During each trimester there is an energy calling us deeply to venture into our emotions, physicality and spiritual self and to commune with the growing baby.

This is a journey of full-being awareness and crossing thresholds. Within the womb cave, the ultimate creative is in force, growing and developing a new human. The entire being of a woman is traversing the transformation to mother/woman self, crossing all her fields of body-mind-spirit.

Pregnancy is the single biggest expander of your feminine magic. Are you ready to access it? Are you ready to know with crystal clarity that your body knows how to gestate and birth in a way that supports your baby’s entrance into this world – are you ready to feel, listen, and respond? Are you ready to delve into total self-responsibility to avoid unnecessary medicalized obstetric interventions with deep knowledge of what is really happening? Some interventions are truly necessary, but birth wisdom is knowing what is safe as it is and what level of help is required for safety when the mother and or baby need more. As a healing birth practitioner and midwife with decades of experience, I am acutely aware that the majority of birth-related traumas stem from other people overpowering women’s rights to respect, self-autonomy, and disconnection of her as a sentient being during medicalized procedures. The feminine body is innately embedded with the knowledge to facilitate pregnancy, birth, and postpartum without disruption when women self-determine living a holistically healthy lifestyle.

There is SO much more to share.

Guardian of the Sacred & Wild during the Rite of Passage; Birth to Matrescence.

Meet Suzan


A holistic approach to the sacred rite of passage throughout pregnancy to motherhood. Time is with you as you gradually prepare mentally, physically and spiritually within each stage of pregnancy, labour to birth, and mothering. It is a conscious journey in the creation of a thriving human being and the maternal transition to mother.

Join me in small group sessions or one-on-one sessions, revealing what you need for your growth and preparation specifically. Using integrative well-being you will work with the innate harmonious flow between a mother and her baby from pregnancy to your transformation as a mother and woman in her power.

Guardian of Sacred Wise Woman Body & Birth

Meet Suzan


Conscious Pregnancy and Parenting Journey


Suzan understood our intentions and feelings and gave very appropriate advice. It was wonderful to feel her touch us with a very warm heart”.



“I am so grateful for the support, care and wisdom I received from Suzan throughout my pregnancy and birth. I often felt like our appointments were like counselling sessions… She was genuinely concerned for my mental and physical welfare, and her advice extended to diet, nutrition and connecting me with other helpful practitioners. Her steer at the birth was kind, confident and totally professional.”



Suzan was such a trusted advisor and support in what was a very vulnerable and at times foreign time in my life. We were very lucky to have her during the incredible and memorable start to our daughter’s life.”



“We are incredibly grateful to have had Suzan’s wisdom and expertise with our second baby. She gave love and guidance that made our second experience after our baby boy was born, all we had dreamed of the first time around.”



The Art of Empowerment in Pregnancy to Postpartum.

Connecting You to Knowledge and Wisdom